Free 3D Corona Virus by Giuseppe Marino
Corona virus, the worst enemy these days!
[sociallocker id="59716"]This is a free fully textured scene.
Included in the package all the furnishings, 1 PSD files where you can see the post-production process with adjustment layers.
All objects present in the scene were created by me.
This file does not have any type of protection.
You can reuse the scene, the render settings, the lights, the materials, but above all you can learn from the file.
Tutorial in time-lapse here:
Source: Ab Imis Studio
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- 3dsmax
- Modern
- Low poly.
- More materials you can find in the Material Editor.
- (Note for beginners: If you need color variations or material variations, please do not import the model in the Slate Material Editor. use Compact Material Editor)
- – Source: Collect
- – Download more 3d models free download here